Video Order Form

SSF has produced a series of safety videos that will be distributed to the soaring community. The videos, The Takeoff and The Assembly, were produced using the concept of the trigger tape.

Trigger tapes describe a scenario of the events leading to an accident, in this case one that results from the glider being improperly assembled and one that occurs after a takeoff is attempted with the spoilers inadvertently extended. After the tape concludes, the instructor leads a discussion of how the accident may have been prevented. The instructor can facilitate the discussion using the guide provided on the back of the tape.

The video is appropriate for safety meetings, seminars, and for initial training. The videos will be provided at no cost to any Soaring Society of America Instructor (SSAI) requesting a copy as long as the current stock lasts. Also available is a video of Safety Seminar 2000, which is a reproduction of the soaring safety seminar at the SSA Convention in ABQ.

Our goal is to distribute these videos in a manner that will reach as many soaring pilots as possible. If your operation has more than one SSAI , please coordinate with the other SSAIs so there is only one of each video for the group/club. Also, please allow other groups to borrow the video if that becomes necessary. We have limited resources to produce these videos and need to achieve as widespread use as possible.

We apologize for the out of print videos at the current time. We are working on a solution and will hopefully have the videos available in the near future.

Coming Attractions

Landing Accidents and Towplane Upsets

Video Order Form
VHS Tapes: No Longer Available
Videos are available in CD-ROM and DVD formats. All Disks include:
American Soaring Signals Take-off Distractions trigger tape Mis-assembly trigger tape
CD-ROM only DVD only Both Disks
Shipping Address

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