Internal Resources

SOARING Reprints - This page contains articles written by SSF trustees for publication in the SOARING magazine.

Emergency Response Plan - The outline for a plan to deal with an accident at your club or soaring operation.

Safety Officer Training Guide - A compilation of observations from over 100 Site Surveys, and actions you can take at your club/commercial operator

Safety Officer - A Job Description and Training Guide by Burt Compton


External Resources

FAA Glider Flying Handbook Downloadable in a full version or by individual chapter.

FAA Glider Flying Handbook Errata Sheet Downloadable in a full version or by individual chapter.

Aeronautical Information Manual (Page with current download link )

PTS - FAA page with links to the various Practical Test Standards.

Advisory Circulars - This page contains links to Advisory Circulars distributed by the FAA.

14 CFR parts 1, 61, and 91 - This page contains links to the most frequently referenced FAR regulations.

Pamphlets - This page contains links to aviation safety pamphlets.

Handbooks and Manuals - This page contains links to FAA Handbooks and Manuals.

Legal Interpretations and Chief Counsel's Options Search Page

Bennett Transition Pilot Solo Interpretation