Distance Learning: Bronze Badge

Gliding and Soaring is a life long learning activity. These pages are designed to help you continue these activities.

Bronze Badge Study Guide - The SSA Bronze Badge program allows pilots to begin preparing for the challenges of cross-country soaring. This study guide is designed to allow the prospective Bronze Badge candidate to prepare for the written exam.

This page contains a large collection of questions generated by experts in the U.S. Soaring community. Each answer also contains a reference to allow you to delve more deeply into the question's topic. Understanding all the issues presented here will greatly aid you in passing the SSA Bronze Badge test.

Questions cover 7 subject areas that deal with the many aspects of planning and executing a cross-country flight. Using the form below you can select:

  1. a random set of 20 questions;
  2. a sequential set of 20 questions starting at a specified point; or
  3. a random set of 20 questions with a up to half of them coming from 1 of the 7 subject areas.

Please note: The references listed below the form were used in preparing these questions. You may want to have a copy of them handy when answering these questions.

Random set of 20 questions
Sequential set of 20 questions starting at (1-343)
Random set of 20 questions with a focus on one of the following 7 subject areas:
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Field Selection
Glider Systems and Performance

The Bronze Badge requires that the applicant complete a series of flight tasks to demonstrate basic Cross-Country soaring skills and also pass a closed book knowledge test with a score of 80% or higher. Once you and your Instructor agree that you have demonstrated the required knowledge, by using this study guide and discussing issues with your instructor, you will be asked to take this final exam. Click on the button below only when are asked to take this final exam.
Instructions for Applicant and SSA Instrucotrs


The SSF would especially like to thank Tom Knauff, Bernald Smith, and Robert Wander for their help in generating and proof reading these questions. Please report any problems or typos to the SSF webmaster.